babyTEL – Professional Presence and Networking Protocols – February


Professional Presence: The Essentials of Credibility, Composure and Confidence

Presence is personality projected. A presence that speaks well of an individual is one that projects credibility, composure, and confidence. These behaviors are not spoken but rather are displayed through the sum total of the individual. This persona is built on a healthy foundation of positive self esteem and rational thinking. Attending meetings, delivering presentations, conversing with colleagues: all these work events provide an opportunity to promote presence. Our appearance, non-verbal communication, voice and words all combine to demonstrate our persona and as such much be constructed in a way that consistently sends the right message.

Learn how to keep your composure and self-confidence high in the midst of hardship; how to identify and overcome your self-imposed barriers and limits. Learn to create win-win solutions with everyone you work with. In this exciting talk, you’ll learn how to confidently express your ideas and feelings; deal with negative, aggressive and difficult people; never feel the need to make excuses, over-explain, or over-apologize. You’ll learn how to speak about your accomplishments with accuracy and confidence

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