August in Toronto: Emotional Intelligence: The most important EQ skills needed in business today

This, do not miss, workshop gets to the heart of what matters most in our daily interactions with colleagues, clients, family and friends…. emotion. Our emotional abilities are learned, and can be improved with knowledge and practice. The research is compelling; emotional intelligence, EI, in the workplace is fundamental to effectiveness.
Results showed that EI related more positively to performance under a high managerial work demands context of jobs that require management of diverse individuals, functions, and lines of business, potentially because such job contexts activate and allow high-EI individuals to act in emotionally intelligent ways that facilitate their performance.
We explore three areas that each participant brings to their interactions in the retail store: intrapersonal awareness and choices: Empathy, Curiosity, and Re Intrapersonal awareness is the foundation of everything! Take charge of your attitude and you take charge of your life with new strategies for beating negativity, eliminating doubts, and setting positive goals. Understand the power of thought, and its impact on prompting emotion. Recognize that thoughts are a choice, and that the right choice leads to better decisions and better outcomes.
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